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I Need a New Home!
My name's Siewbak - yes, you read that right - and I'm looking for a home for a year. My owner is going travelling and relatives are not able to look after me (allergies to my hair or something). Can you provide me with shelter and food for a year? I don't eat much - I'm only a chihuahua! Oh, and my owner will pay for the food anyway ...
Want to know more about me?
- I'm seven years old but still cute
- My name, pronounced like 'Seal-bak', is Chinese and means 'little white'
- I sometimes sleep on my back like a human and make strange snorting noises that sound like 'gnyaaaaak!'
- Actually, I sleep as much as I possibly can
- I have an overbite that means I sometimes can't help having my tongue stick out. My owner says it looks like a piece of ham
- I don't like long walks - these tiny chihuahua legs were not made for walking! And if there is a puddle on the ground, I have to walk around it - or be carried over!
- I am sort of house-trained. I am used to having a dog-flap (ok, it's a cat-flap - you get the idea!) and other dogs around me. But if I'm shut in I can't hold it in - we chihuahuas don't have large reservoirs!
- I never bite and if you have me for a whole year, you may not even hear me bark once!
- I'm excellent with kids and other cats or dogs, as I have an easy going/passive temperament. Kids like picking me up and carrying me around like a cuddly toy
- I am bilingual - I understand English and Chinese (Cantonese)!
- I am very portable - you can even carry me in a handbag
If you can help me, please email Ian Lloyd or Manda Chan for more information.