Underwater World
21st December, Fiji, Coral Coast
Opened the bedroom door this morning to see a sleeping dog lying outside on the landing. Thought he was a ruck sack at first (or even a back-packer!) but soon realised he was one of the resident dogs owned by this resort. Being well aware of the phrase 'let sleeping dogs lie', I decided not to disturb his slumber - even though it was tempting to give him a pat on the head! I just stepped over him and being as laid back as his owners, the dog did not even flinch!
The dog sleeping outside our doorway.
Ian made a few phone calls to try to get himself booked on a dive. Unfortunately, he didn't manage to arrange one for today and so we went snorkelling instead.
An American girl, Hannah, came along too. The three of us were taken further out to the ocean by boat. We went near to where the waves break but not beyond the breakpoint as this is where the currents get very strong. Apparently, there have been a few drownings out there over the years.
Manda, Sana and Hannah, about to go snorkelling!
The water was a lot cooler than near the shore but still mild. We crossed a few thermaclimes and experienced both warm and cooler temperatures. The warm spots were nice! The water was clear and we got to see some colourful fish. I don't know the proper names (fish are just fish to me, albeit with different colours!) but we saw royal blue fish, orange, black & white stripes, royal blue & turquoise and brown coloured fish. We even spotted some blue starfish and a sea snake. The reef was pretty much all dead but we did see some live coral in places.
Blue starfish on the reef, Coral Coast
After about 45 minutes, I was feeling dizzy from motion sickness as the current had began to pick up. I swam back to the boat and Hannah and Ian joined me shortly after. Ian had been busy taking photos using his digital camera (with camera housing) and they turned out well.
Once back on dry land, we headed for the bar. I got chatting to these two American guys who were hilarious. They were about to start their homeward-bound journey but there was still the matter of free daily coffee and scones to get through first. One of the chaps started to recount the tale of their journey over - in particular, his sleepy travelling buddy. His friend had been suffering from a bout of tummy upsets but still wanted to eat the aeroplane food. Shortly after being served the cheese tortellini, he crashed out due to fatigue.
When the air hostess came round to collect his uneaten dinner, he placed his hand on it and told her that he'd eat it later. The hand remained there for another two hours while he was with the sandman! Another air hostess came over and again, tried to take his tray away. He gave her the same response i.e. he'd eat it later. She offers to heat it up for him and duly takes it away. The dinner is then returned now warm but shortly after, he falls asleep again - with hand on tray once more. The next time the air hostess comes over, he says the same thing - "I'll eat it later". She turns to him and says, "Er, we're serving breakfast now." Classic!
Ian trying to look manly with a frangipani flower behind his ear.