A Post from a Couple of Slackers

12th February, Brisbane, Australia

Manda writes:

Not much happened today so I'll keep this one brief!

Now that Ethel was up and running again, we decided to take her to get a car stereo fitted. Covering all that distance without music isn't ideal - no offense to present company but after a while, it's nice just to listen to some music and give our voices a rest!

Bought some postcards - this one in particular tickled me.


In our minds, this postcard had several people's names written on it already! We sent one to the Sumerays and one to Del & Heather who have kindly agreed to look after our dogs while we are away. The Sumerays are looking after my chihuahua, 'Siew-Bak' (which means 'little white') or 'Bak-Bak', as he is also known as. Heather and Del are looking afer Scooby, Ian's Jack Russell. We hope the pooches are not turning your houses upside down! Only joking, they're good dogs really.