Along the Fleurieu Peninsula
2nd July, Fleurieu, Australia
Come on whales, where are you? We know you're out there somewhere! So, we stayed on a little longer in Victor Harbor this morning on the off-chance that there might be a sighting. OK, truth be told I was just a bit lazy today in getting started and had some menial tasks to carry out. But we did check with the whale centre one last time before heading off at lunch time to Cape Jervis.
There really is not much to see at Cape Jervis, apart from this:
Yep, it's another 'Ethel parked in front of a lighthouse' photo. But this one's different - the lighthouse looks more like some kind of fancy household lamp than the usual lighthouse shape. Aside from this, there's little to see here - Cape Jervis seems to exist only for the purposes of ferrying passengers across to Kangaroo Island. Unlike most towns that host ferry terminals, there's been little evidence of commercial growth in the surrounding area - unless you count vending machines.
We continued up from the cape on the Main South Road passing some vineyards (there are a lot of them in the Fleurieu Peninsula) and the occasional glimpse of stunning coastal scenery. At one point we took a brief diversion off the main road to see Myponga Dam. It was signposted as a photo opportunity, but personally I thought it looked pretty ugly and run down. As long as the walls are still intact, though, that's all I'm concerned about (or at least that was my thought as I drove Ethel across the dam wall and then back again).
The sun pierces the cloud near Sellicks Beach on the Fleurieu Peninsula.
We could have continued up to Adelaide for the evening but there seemed little point in doing this, as the caravan parks would be more expensive in the city and we'd have to fight our way through rush-hour traffic (and I have to say that I was surprised at just how busy Adelaide's main roads can get once it turns 5 o'clock). So we stopped at a place called Aldinga. We have no idea if there's anything to see here - maybe a quick recce tomorrow morning before we head off again..