Friday 1st March
It's another glorious sunny morning in Bondi. The weather forecast for last week was rain. All week. Well, with the exception of two mornings (and possibly some rain at night), it's been pretty darn good all round.
However, it's also been reported that this is the wettest February in Sydney recorded since 1992. In the two weeks prior to our arrival it rained almost continuously.
A beautiful day at Camp Cove.
We did the beach thing again today. Terry had got up early to do a spot of fishing and found a nice little spot that he thought we could try out. Ironically, he found Camp Cove, the very place that I'd been diving at just the day before. He was right - it was a good little spot, and the weather yesterday ensured that unlike my previous visit, we were not the only people on the beach. However, it was still very quiet, and often Daisy, Toby and me would be the only people in the water at any one time.
Karen commented on the number of couples/trios of men who, as she put it, 'smelled very fragrant'. Mardi Gras is just a day away, I guess - the visitors are arriving! Actually, there was another reason why they were noticeable here - just around the corner is a nudist beach. Correction, a gay nudist beach. These men were just on route to their beach. Just as well we didn't take the kids for a stroll around the headland for a spot of sight-seeing!
Tomorrow evening should be a bit different though - the parade starts at around 8pm, and the kids will just treat it all as pantomime - a bit like Widow Twanky, with bells on. For the rest of the day though, we'll probably find ourselves on ... the beach? Quel surprise. Well, given that it's HOT and SUNNY while in the UK it's SLEETY and RAINY, it's not a difficult choice! Time to get the old snorkeling gear wet again.